Friday 22 March 2013

Commuting is one thing...add some snow and it becomes an entirely new adventure!!!! When, however, one is armed with a lap top and manage to scrounge a seat its amazing how quickly the journey can go!
I have never used photoshop but decided to introduce myself slowly to the digital art world by experimenting with the pixelmator, an app from Apple.(Also helps that it is currently in my budget!) 
I certainly have a LONG way to go and it took me far longer then it should... but managed to work out how to introduce some text into the image of the artichokes. 

Does it work?

  • I like the introduction of text but in this image I don't think that I have used it correctly as it does not add overwhelmingly to the image and in fact I am not sure if it subtracts from it.
  • I also struggled to manipulate the shape of the words apart from placing the words at different angles and therefore I feel this comes across like the text is not as united or fused with the image as it should be. ......BUT it was certainly a good experiment and accelerated the very cold journey home last week....and for this reason alone it was definitely successful! ; )

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