Saturday 15 February 2014

Exe 3.3:Image Development

The photograph I have chose to use is one I took when exploring Istanbul:

I took 10 separate photos of the above image, using a cardboard view finder to demarcate different parts of the image and therefore annotate different meanings to each new image: 



I chose the following part of the image to illustrate into a poster and adapt slightly:

I chose to use the word " BUSTED"
Chalk pastel version of above image

Using Pixelmator (Mac visual image app) I managed to cut out the scanned image of my pastel drawing and lay it on top of a graffiti wall I downloaded from the internet.

Trial 1 

Trial 2 and final image
I chose to write the word 'Busted" in a graffiti wall style font. I adapted it from a font I'd seen on the internet. 

I chose to have the characters being 'busted' for graffiti as a slight irony on the fact that they are in fact originally graffiti characters themselves. 

They also don't look like your stereotypical 'graffiti villains' which I felt added a little bit of humour to the image. 

I stopped at Trial 2 mostly because I printed out the version with the blue graffiti wall and after colour photocopying it it had a glossy surface which made it difficult to paint/draw on it. When I cut out and stuck my chosen word, "busted" on it, it also didn't seem to work and therefore I stuck to using the black and white background (a std photocopy) for the final image. 

Does it work as a poster illustration? 
  • I think that if I had more time I would play around more with the typography as I don't think that the way I have written 'Busted" is very easy to read and as a poster it is important to communicate a message and therefore this would need to be reviewed. Perhaps a simplified font with paint dripping down. 
  • I also think that the red of the writing is perhaps too bright and therefore the 1st thing your eye is drawn too which is not really where I wanted to the emphasis to lie. I would therefore tone down the colour a little more if I had time to re-work it. 
  • I would also like to trial another version with the blue coloured wall if time allows but for now I will press on. 

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